NWSL Supporters Spotlight – KC Blue Crew

Photo Credit: Blue Crew

Two time NWSL champions FC Kansas City look to make a return to the playoffs this season after a slower 2016 season. Helping to cheer them on and showing a ton of support; the KC Blue Crew! The Blue Crew has members locally, and  from various parts of the country that travel to see and support FC Kansas City at home and occasionally on the road. Danielle Russell shared some more information about the group!

When did the group start and why?

The Blue Crew started in December 2012 on the day the team was announced. Kat, our founder, wanted to create a strong women’s soccer presence in KC and this was a way to help this happen. She has a lot of ties to the city and this was her way of contributing to her home town.

What are some things that your group does on game day or before game day?

Since we have a lot of traveling members, we like to get together a lot during game weekends. We try to grill out or do a similar event the night before. The day of the game we try to do at least one meal together-either breakfast or a group lunch. Then we go and tailgate!

Where can people find you before/during the game?

Before the game, we tailgate in the Season Ticket Holder lot. We’re right by the entrance to the stadium, so its hard to miss us! During the game, we’re in the Supporters section, which is on the stands on the far side of the field (opposite of the grass berm).

What can people expect if they join you for a game?

Fun. I’m not sure if there’s a group that laughs during games more than us. We chant/sing/yell/scream, but its really authentic if that makes sense. Its not always organized, but its us. We also really pride ourselves on being a safe space during games-ALL are welcome. So you can expect inclusion.

What is your favorite part of being in a supporters group?

The friends I’ve made. You get to meet so many people in a SG. I knew nobody in Blue Crew before joining and now they’re family. And more and more people join every year and I’ve continued meeting so many great people. Along with that, friends from SGs around the league. SGs in the NWSL have a really cool connection. We know that if we need anything, we can contact people from any group in the league. I consider Chicago Local some of my closest friends. In fact, when I travel to games there, I stay with them. We might be enemies for 90, but we’re friends before and after.

You can find the Blue Crew on Twitter https://twitter.com/kcbluecrew, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KCBLUECREW2012/ and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kcbluecrew/

Be sure to join them for a game if you are ever in KC or stop by and say hi if you see them on the road!

About Courtney Andros 99 Articles
Courtney is a MA native who has recently reconnected with her love for watching and writing about women's soccer. If you don't catch her at an NWSL or USWNT game, you can get in touch with her at [email protected] or on Twitter at Courtstar413!